The Best Peking Duck in Fairfax County | Peking Gourmet Inn

Peking Gourmet Inn

In 1978, Eddie Tsui wanted to open a restaurant specializing in a unique northern Chinese cuisine. After deciding on Peking Duck as the specialty, Peking Gourmet Inn was born.

Realizing that store-bought ingredients were not adequate to generate the authentic taste he was seeking, he opted to go the route of growing his own jumbo spring onions, as well as formulating his own recipe for hoisin sauce and hand crafting each pancake.

Today, the wonderful folks at Peking Gourmet Inn continue to uphold the methods and traditions set forth by its founder, ensuring that delicious and authentic flavor.

They always strive to do our very best so that every experience with Peking Gourmet Inn is an enjoyable one.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact Peking Gourmet Inn at 703-671-8088

For complete information, click this link to visit the Peking Gourmet Inn website

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